Our 412 Locations
Find a 412 Hub

412 KC ( Four12 Revival Hub )
Kansas City, MO is our Original Location
Kansas City is the original launch of 412 Church Network. Apostle Derrick Gates founded 412 KC originally Named The Way KC Revival Center in 2009 and it transformed over the years. In 2017 they officially changed the name of the church to line up with the network branding. You can expect to experience the fire of God with challenging messages and dynamic worship in Kansas City, MO.

412 LA
Los Angeles CA
412 LA was launched in 2018 and is ran by Apostle Derrick Gates himself. 412 LA is in the process of planting and is currently looking for like minded people to help with Gods plan for the west coast. Contact us today.

412 NASH
Nashville, TN
412 Nashville is our first network church being planted by someone from outside one of our hubs. Nashville is directly overseen by Apostle Derrick Gates.