Our Tribe
tribe noun \ˈtrīb\
a group of people that includes many families and relatives who have the same language, customs, and beliefs
412 Equipping for your church
Inner Healing | Deliverance | Prophetic Boot camp | Evangilism
Bring a 412 Team to your Church to equip your leadership or entire congregation in ministry.
City evangelism services
Revival Services
Prophetic Boot Camp
Church Planting Boot Camp
Inner Healing and Deliverance Boot Camp
Church Revitalization
Why 412
The Name | Equiping | Something Bigger Than You
Why 412
412 comes from the verse Ephesians 4:12
we are committed to not just have multiple churches for the sake of having churches but to equip leaders to be the best leaders they can be, then multiple that for the sake of the Kingdom.
We embrace Home Groups, Small Churches, Medium Churches, Large Churches and Mega Churches. We are all family.
We believe that being a part of something bigger than just yourself or your singular ministry can help project you to new levels. It is important also to cross pollinate giftings and anointings.
What Does Being a 412 Church Mean?
Benefit | Relationship | Requirement
Benefits of being a 412 Church
Influence of the five-fold ministry in the congregation
Equipping the leaders of your church in kingdom ministry
Connecting with like-minded churches
Supernatural training
Ministry opportunities in partnership for missions and ministry engagements.
We are not a group concerned about numbers but we are concerned about lasting relationships.
Membership and support of the network is through relationship
We ask for an annual gift for our Church Planting & Missions efforts
We ask you that you pray about a monthly gift
To be involved in our annual 412 Conference
Provide adequate communication
Provide the Network with an annual report of the ministry’s activities, progress, and general health. This is so we know how to help every Church the best.
We are here to walk beside you and to hold you up when you need it, not lord over you. We do not seek to control your church.
412 Equipping
We value a passionate on-fire, worshiping heart-connected communities that experience the presence of God, believes in the Supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit in all believers, and relationally connects with each other while expanding the Kingdom of God and His glory in every nation.
Value statement
Characteristics of a 412 Church | F.I.R.E.
Fellowship in the Kingdom
Intimacy with Christ
Restoration of all things (Restoration of the Kingdom not the doctrine that teaches that even Satan is restored to heaven)
Equipping the saints
Mission Statement
Connecting and equipping like-minded churches in the Fullness of Christ and His ministry.