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"In this dark and uncertain time in our nation, we need solid leaders in the faith community who will defend our freedoms and advocate our constitutional rights. Derrick Gates has been a well-known faith leader to our nation for 20 years. With his strong convictions and his experience as a corporate mediator, Derrick will help lead a movement to shift the United States Congress back to its founding principles. I believe that Derrick Gates will fight for your God-given rights, and that is why I endorse Derrick Gates for United States Congress."
- Ché Ahn
Harvest Rock Church and Harvest International Ministry

“Derrick Gates is an imperfect man. He has made mistakes. He has faced the struggles that so many Californians are facing. But he has also overcome these obstacles through a radical interaction with the Lord. His life story and his life’s work is what makes him the type of person we need in Washington D.C., representing the 33rd Congressional District. The voters of the 33rd District can trust that Derrick will represent all people and represent them well. He is a common-sense Christian conservative leader, who will defend our constitutional rights and work to instill good government for all, not good government for some. It is our honor to issue our first endorsement of the 2022 election cycle to Derrick Gates.”

"Derrick embodies the values we hold dear at CCR. Our organization proudly represents the Trump wing of the Republican Party, and we are dedicated to protecting conservative political thought through activism and campaigning. Derrick is most importantly pro-life and pro-2A, while his opponents are not, so we are proud to back Derrick in his candidacy to forward the conservative movement."

"I am writing this letter to extend my support and endorsement to Mr. Derrick Gates as he runs for a position in Congress In our nation called the United States, Derrick Gates has demonstrated his ability, to walk in integrity as a husband, father and businessman in our community Derrick Gates also has foreknowledge to understand the true needs of our nation, Derrick Gates also demonstrate wisdom, and strength to govern. There is a need for new leadership in our nation. I believe Derrick Gates is God fearing and will bring new created ideals, for our nation to heal this land as he .embrace our Constitution, of the United States.
I endorse Derrick Gates without any reservation for any position in congress."
- Dr. Manuel Johnson Senior Pastor/Founder: Mega Praise Ministries INC

"In a day where the corruption in our governmental institutions is blatant, some of the most courageous warriors are rising from obscurity to stand on the front lines of the battle to save our nation. Derrick Gates is the epitome of an American comeback success story. He has an unwavering commitment to faith, family and community, and has now answered the call to serve the people of our great nation by representing them in Congress. I am honored to fully support his candidacy and join in him in the fight to save America."
-Pastor Timothy Alden, Founder the Movement Global Inc.
"Silent No More Stands behind Derrick Gates and fully endorses his run for Congress. We need this man of quality and endurance to get in office."
- Gia D'Amato Silent No More & Candidate for State Assembly District 51

"The only way to save this country is if we focus on protecting the church and the Constitution. In this current political climate, we need more attention to this than ever. This is why I endorse Derrick Gates for Congress CA-36"
- Yoshi the Patriot Orange County CA Lexit Director
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